Where to find us?
Our office is on the 1st floor of the Keilepand.
Keilestraat 9F
3029 BP Rotterdam
T +31 (0)10 244 01 93
E mail@groupa.nl
E pr@groupa.nl (press requests)
E carbonlab@groupa.nl (CARBONLAB)
Our entrance is at the garden-site (Voedseltuin).
Parking at the garden-site of the ‘Keilepand’ is free.
From Rotterdam Central Station:
- Take on the center-side of the station tram 21 direction “Schiedam Woudhoek”, tram 24 towards “Holy” or tram 4 towards “Marconiplein”;
- Get off at the stop “Marconiplein” for tram 21 and 24 and “Zeilmakersstrtaat” for tram 4 and then walk 6/10 min to Keilstraat 9F;
- Or take Metro line A, B or C (change at “Beurs”) and get off at “Marconiplein”.
By car from A13 (Amsterdam, The Hague), A4 and A20 (Utrecht):
- Arriving at the Rotterdam Ring from the A13, turn right (A20) direction Hoek van Holland;
- At the A20 take exit 12/Delfshaven;
- After the exit (a 180 degree turn) turn right at the traffic lights (under the highway) and drive towards Delfshaven (Tjalklaan);
- At the traffic lights straight and anext traffic lights turn right towards Schiedamseweg;
- First traffic lights left (Benjamin Franklinstraat);
- Follow this road, and take the 5th left (Keilestraat);
- You will find the Keilepand on your left hand. Drive around the Keilepand;
- You can park for free at the garden-site (Voedseltuin) of the Keilepand;
- You find the entrance (9F) also at the garden-site.