Integral design process
Designing is creating environments in which people can live, work or reside comfortably in balance with the ecosystem. Sustainability and innovation, with a focus on quality and minimizing environmental impact, are therefore integral to our design process. By working closely together in multidisciplinary teams including specialists, sustainability experts and parties from the local environment, we design state of the art solutions involving circularity and sustainability.
Sustainable living and working environments
This results in places with a particularly sustainable character. For example, the lush landscape at a height of 45 meters halfway up the Central Park Utrecht office tower (BREEAM Excellent). It has one goal in mind: to provide employees with fresh air and a different environment to reduce stress during busy workdays. The design of the Keilepand in M4H facilitates a socially, energy and environmentally sustainable workplace where like-minded people work on a sustainable future. The modular interior design concept for Service Apotheken sustainably transforms the landscape of 485 existing pharmacies by focusing on reuse and flexibility.
Climate positive design strategies
To address thé challenge of our time, we have launched CARBONLAB in 2022. This think tank is investigating how to reduce the carbon footprint of our projects. The goal is to turn emissions into effective storage of CO2: Climate positive design, building and living. We invite parties that share this mission and want to exchange knowledge and experience to contact us at carbonlab@groupa.nl.