The coming period GROUP A continues to work safely
The health of our employees, our clients and our collaborative partners is GROUP A’s number 1 priority. We have therefore decided to adjust our services in the following period in order to minimize health risks. Concretely, we have taken the following measures:
– We can normally be reached by telephone and e-mail.
– At the office we have a minimum occupancy between 09:00h and 18:00h. Our teams will be working from home until the 19th of May.
– Consultations with colleagues, clients and collaborating partners can take place via media like telephone, Skype or Facetime.
– Larger events and meetings in the Keilepand are cancelled or will be rescheduled.
Despite the current uncertainties, we are confident that we can continue to support our clients and collaborating partners normally. GROUP A is an optimistic and flexible design agency and we will make sure that we will continue to be there for everyone in the coming period.
We hope that you and your loved ones will get through this period in good health.