HOW TO BUILD? tour on Friday 13 Dec
Curious about the past, present, and future of our built environment? Join us for a guided tour of the exhibition HOW TO BUILD IN 2030? at the Koelhuis in Eindhoven. We’ll take you on our quest for a future-proof living environment! The tour starts at 14:00 hrs on Friday 13 December. Doors open at 13:30 hrs. Reserve your spot by signing up through this link.
The exhibition focuses on two areas: the Merwe-Vierhavens (M4H) port in Rotterdam and the industrial Canal Zone in Eindhoven, both set to become vibrant hubs for living and working. At the heart of these developments lie the Keile District and Koelhuis District, cultural centers driven by a dynamic community of makers and a progressive focus on circularity. How are these areas similar, where do they differ, and how can we create a future-proof living environment, ready to face the challenges of tomorrow?
The KeileCollectief look back at what our building practice looked like 100 years ago and analyze what materials and installations we use today. We show inspiring examples of new materials and building methods and ask the question what the built environment of M4H might look like in 2030. Can it already be Paris Proof? And what if we look even further ahead? How do we live in 2100? What is your vision of the future?
HOW TO BUILD IN 2030? is an initiative of the KeileCollectief with contributions from CITYFÖRSTER, De Urbanisten, GROUP A | CARBONLAB, Happel Cornelisse Verhoeven and studioADAMS in collaboration with Concrete Culture.
The exhibition is supported by AIR – Architectuur Instituut Rotterdam, Cordeel, Dura Vermeer Bouw Heyma, Municipality of Rotterdam – Culture, Programmabureau M4H, Stimuleringsfonds Creatieve Industrie, Vandersanden and VDL De Meeuw. The exhibition is created in collaboration with ABT, Adviesbureau Lüning, Aveco de Bondt, Concrete Blossom and DGMR.
Photo by Will Boase, CITYFÖRSTER