Adam Visser participated Towards2050 Beijing
From 14 -27 September, the 2014 edition of Towards2050: Developing a Sino-Dutch Approach for Sustainable Urbanisation took place in Beijing. The program consists of workshops and seminars in which Chinese and Dutch designers and experts participated; Adam Visser of GROUP A was one of the Dutch participants.
Towards2050: Developing a Sino-Dutch Approach for Sustainable Urbanisation is a multi-annual programme. initiated in July 2013 by the Creative Industry Fund NL. The goal of the initiative is to explore how the Dutch integrated planning approach can be adapted and implemented within the context of the rapid urbanisation of Chinese metropolitan regions. To this end, the programme organizes Sino-Dutch design projects, research, workweeks, seminars and exchanges. The first workweek took place in September 2013. The aim was to create a platform for an exchange of ideas between Dutch and Chinese professionals in the field of urban development.
This year theme is Transit-Oriented Development (TOD). Unique in the programme of 2014 is the close collaboration between designers and financial specialists. The collaboration is partly motivated by the wish of the Chinese government to look for new business models while improving the quality of life for its citizens. The Dutch urban agglomerations and their interconnections constitute an interesting practice for China.
The assignment for the TOD workweek was to research by design for the future development at Qinghe Station Beijing and its surroundig area (including exploration of relevant aspects of ChangPing Station and Badaling Station development).
For the programme and information about the Dutch participants click here
Commissioned by:
Creative Industries Fund NL, Rotterdam
Beijing Municipal Commission of Urban Planning, Beijing (BMCUP)
Wu Chen, Beijing Institute for Architectural Design, Beijing (BIAD)
Ton Venhoeven, VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism, Amsterdam
Wu Weijia, Tsinghua University, School of Architecture, Dept. of Urban Planning, Beijing
Project coordinators:
Zheng Tian, Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, Beijing (BIAD)
Caine Zhang, Beijing Institute of Architectural Design, Beijing (BIAD)
Huang He, Tsinghua University, School of Architecture, Institute of Architecture and Urban Studies, Beijing
Martijn de Geus, Tsinghua University, School of Architecture, Dept. of Architecture, Beijing
Thijs van Spaandonk, VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism, Amsterdam
Liu Gang, Beijing (OBO VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism) (coordinator Dutch parties)
Executive organizations:
VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism, Amsterdam
Beijing Institute for Architectural Design, Beijing (BIAD)
Tsinghua University, School of Architecture, Beijing
Dai Tianxing (China Architecture Design & Research Institute), Yu Wei and Ni Jian (China Academy of Urban Planning & Design), Ren Yue (architect), He Junqiao and Song Jing (BICP-Homedale), Zhao Wenning, Liang Yingya, Sun Yuan, Yang Xu, and Guo Yilin (Tsinghua University), 6 experts from BIAD, Mark Dekker, Xun Huang and Ye Zhang (KCAP), John Breen (Urhahn Urban Design), Michel Duinmayer (Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment), Eric Frijters (Fabric), Joek Kruiderink (Fakton), René Kuiken (René Kuiken Urbanism), Miriam Ram (Deltametropolis Association), Thijs van Spaandonk (VenhoevenCS architecture+urbanism), Brechtje Spreeuwers (MLA+), Adam Visser (GROUP A), Marten Wassmann (Benthem Crouwel Architects), and Heleen Wijtmans (City of Utrecht).