February 23 starts event series ‘Carbon Stories’
Following ‘The Great CO2 Debate’, CARBONLAB – GROUP A, International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) and the KeileCollectief are hosting the debate ‘Carbon Stories: Climate Positive Materials’. Together with architects and stakeholders from the building sector, we zoom in on material innovation in construction. How can we accelerate the transition to climate-positive construction?
With all disciplines in the construction industry, ‘Carbon Stories’ explores what (system) changes are needed to achieve a climate-positive built environment. This year we will focus on this topic in a series of events. Each edition will have a different perspective on how the construction sector can reduce its CO2 emissions. This edition zooms in on what climate-positive materials can contribute to this process.
Speakers will share their perspectives on systemic material innovation. Driven by the question “How can we accelerate the transition?”, we discuss the opportunities and challenges of climate-positive materials. After all, we only have 7 years left to reach the 2030 Paris Agreement objective. What is the task of remaining within 1.5 degrees of global warming? What role can materials play in this and what value chains are needed to achieve this? What is already possible and what is within reach? How do we get everyone on board in a meaningful way and on a relevant scale?
The ‘Carbon Stories’ series follows ‘The Great CO2 Debate’ that took place on November 10, 2022 in the Keilepand. In the conversation about the (im)possibilities of a climate-positive built environment, the perspectives of the designer, financier, developer, constructor, consultant and material supplier were discussed. With ‘Carbon Stories’, we are delving into the CO2 issue, construction industry wide, in a series of thematic events.
Carbon Stories: Climate Positive Materials
23-02-2023, 19:30-21:30
Keilezaal, Keilepand
Moderator: Geert Maarse
Language: English
Saskia van Stein, General and artistic director International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam
Willem van Genugten, Driver of CARBONLAB, GROUP A
Vincent van der Meulen, Partner Kraaijvanger
Vincent works on a wide variety of buildings with societal impact. ‘Building with a positive footprint’ is the method developed by Kraaijvanger to realise buildings that improve the ecology of the planet. They share this method to provide architects, builders, producers, municipalities and most of all Clients with the tools to make radically sustainable buildings.
Allison Dring, CEO and Co-Founder Made of Air, Berlin Germany
Made of Air produces carbon-negative materials for applications in the built environment and consumer goods. She is an experienced entrepreneur and architect, initiating and applying climate technologies in real-world building applications.
Lucas de Man, Director Biobased Creations
Creator, TV presenter and director ‘Company New Heroes’ and ‘Biobased Creations’. The past 15 years Lucas created over 100 projects in 25 countries. In this diversity (theatre, film, books, podcasts, installations), changing value systems are the common denominator.
Thomas Wellink, Senior Advisor Sustainability & Innovative Construction RVO
Towards a circular building economy that contributes to everyones wellbeing. Here and there, now and later. I work with Rijksdienst Voor Ondernemend Nederland to execute policy and to create & optimise the right conditions to enable sustainable challenges. A complex task that I work on with passion, imagination and in different collaborations.
Norbert Schotte, Initiator Gideon
Sustainable innovator by day, Gideon by night. As one of the initiators of Gideons Tribes he stands for the acceleration of the transition towards a sustainable and healthy built environment. Norbert speaks about societal developments that he is concerned about, but instead of taking the role of bystander he has a clear vision of each individual’s responsibility in this transition. By sharing vulnerabilities and providing perspectives of tangible action he inspires policymakers, developers and designers into fundamental transition of the construction sector.
Daniel Egger, Head of project development Neustark, Bern, Swiss
Daniel has the worldwide responsibility for the sales of Neustarks CO2 capture and storage projects, for example in recycled concrete. Before this position he was the CCO at Climeworks, responsible to build up the market for permanent carbon dioxide removal credits.
Wouter Moorlag, Cluster Manager Building Innovation TNO (The Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research)
Wouter and his teams of experts help suppliers, contractors, engineers and governments to innovate in the built environment by combining a multidisciplinary application driven approach with in-depth scientific knowledge in multiple fields: sustainable & circular building materials, structural & fire safety and digitalization & industrialization.
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