Carbon Stories at the Provada real estate fair
On Tuesday, June 13th during the Provada real estate fair, the fourth edition of the debate series Carbon Stories took place. From the RAI Amsterdam, we zoomed in on the financial side of the transition to a climate-positive built environment. Speakers from various disciplines in the construction sector will share their vision, show that sustainable building is already more financially attractive and discuss what changes are necessary. Couldn’t be there? Watch the debate online.
Forerunners in the development of climate-positive projects Onno Dwars (Ballast Nedam) and Constantijn Berning (Edge Technologies) will talk with sustainable innovator Norbert Schotte (Gideon), sector banker Leontien de Waal (ABN AMRO) and policy maker Thomas Wellink (RVO). They provide the audience with new arguments and concrete models that demonstrate the opportunities of the task. How do we get the transition done at the financial level? What is needed to scale up climate-positive materials and adjust regulations? What is needed now to meet the 2030 Paris Agreement target?
The Carbon Stories series catalyzes the conversation about the (im)possibilities of a climate-positive built environment. The perspectives of the financier, developer, designer, builder, consultant and material supplier are addressed. In a series of thematic meetings, we will explore the CO2 issue across the building sector in depth. Carbon Stories is an initiative of GROUP A’s think tank CARBONLAB, the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR) and the KeileCollectief.

Foto’s door Sabine van der Vooren