GROUP A designs the Harderwijk railway station
GROUP A designs the new station building and area including the bicycle storage and the lighting and lighting of the tunnel and public space in Harderwijk.
As a result of the future integration of the randstad track, the entire station area of Harderwijk will change. A new tunnel will be the interchangeable connection for cars, cyclists and pedestrians. The tunnel will also be accessed from the tunnel. The current station building will be replaced for a new building, located near the tunnel. Also the bus station and a built-in bicycle parking for 1500 bicycles will be re-fitted.
The tunnel entrance is flanked on both sides by the station building and the bicycle shed. The station square is the ‘spider in the web’ which connects all the station-related functions and organizes the different loop streams. In the middle of the square are the stairs and the elevator to the tunnel level. The station building with its distinctive awning and central waiting area forms one ensemble and marks the ‘heart’ of Stationsplein.
The commercial premises and the required passenger facilities of the station building are located directly along the flow of bus and bus. The station building includes both ground level and tunnel level. This connects the two levels in an attractive way. The lazy stairs of a beautiful, warm natural stone emphasize this quality.