The Great CO2 Debate will continue in February
Last Thursday we gathered in the Keilepand for The Great CO2 Debate, organized by the IABR and GROUP A | CarbonLab. An inspiring kickoff of a series of events in which knowledge sharing between different disciplines is central to accelerate an integral transition to a climate-positive building practice. These are our key takeaways from the debate:
– CO2-neutral is not enough. We must move to a CO2-negative society.
– The industry is changing on all fronts but the urgency is accelerating faster than our change. So we need to move even faster.
– Leave your baggage at the door! Only then will we arrive at fundamental solutions.
– The financial sector is doing long-term risk analysis. These are going to make a big difference in the coming years.
– What is low-hanging fruit? Stop talking about 900,000 new homes. Transformation, sharing, living smaller are very realistic models to achieve this.
– What do we build where? Below sea level demountable, above sea level as robust and solid as possible so it lasts hundreds of years.
We look back on a great meeting led enthusiastically by moderator Geert Maarse and with inspiring contributions from:
– Saskia van Stein of the IABR
– Willem van Genugten and Folkert van Hagen of GROUP A | CarbonLab
– Martin Sobota of CITYFĂ–RSTER
– Norbert Schotte of Alba Concepts.
– Sander Kooiman of Triodos Bank
– Laetitia Nossek of Dutch Green Building Council
– Phlip Boswinkel of Local
– Janneke Leenaars of Interface
– Koen Waijers of Hurks
During the next edition of The Great CO2 Debate in February 2023 we will pick up the thread and zoom in on the developments in the various disciplines. Do you want to join us or stay informed about CarbonLab? Sign up for the CarbonLab newsletter by emailing carbonlab@groupa.nl.