Waterlooplein Metro Oostlijn professionally photographed
Perfectly shot. The Amsterdam based photographer Daan van Eijndhoven, alias Digidaan, perfectly captured the bright atmosphere of the renewed Waterloopelin Station of the Oostlijn.
After 35 years of intensive use, renovation of the 16 Oostlijn stations is necessary. To increase physical and social safety of the passengers, we add more light, space and transparency in the stations.
New voids create visibility and overview. And the new lighting plan by BeersNielsenstrengthens the spatial effect. New contrasting materials such as glass, glazed tiles and a polished floor are used, in contrast to the unpolished character of the Béton Brut. Because a monochrome, calm use of color is part of our design vision, we opted for different gloss lines and iridescent effects in the tiling – Koninklijke Tichelaar – for more liveliness.
The total project will be completed end 2018.