‘PAST FUTURES OF M4H’ – Exhibition about Merwevierhavens in Keilepand

The Merwevierhavens (M4H) has fascinated Sven Schouten of GROUP A for over a year now. What once started for him as a historical research into this area for the ‘Academie van Bouwkunst’, has grown into a huge amount of visual material. This was the starting point for the exhibition ‘PAST FUTURES OF M4H’, realised together with the Keilecollectief. In a hall on the ground floor in the Keilepand, screens, posters and models show the development of M4H – from polder and harbour to the future city area. The exhibition shows M4H in perspective and through the research new insights continuously pop up.

For instance, it turns out that the M4H area has always been in motion as a result of industrialisation, war, mechanisation, strikes and energy transitions. With a changing relationship between the harbour and people who lived and worked in and around M4H. Due to its turbulent history, the harbour has always had to reinvent itself and is permanently in transition. The exhibition shows unusual industrial buildings and wild experiments, verging on genius and madness

How this harbour area has gone through these changes is very inspiring for the upcoming transition of M4H. A must-see for everyone who is now involved in M4H. Visits can be made until 28 November 2020 by making a reservation via keilecollectief@gmail.com See you soon!

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