GROUP A moves… #2
In preparation of the move to our new offices to the M4H-area this coming January, GROUP A and co-tenant Bekkering Adams Architects have commenced with a series of internal design workshops to think through what our ideal workspace is to be. Having the opportunity to start from scratch in designing our own work environment in the still bare concrete shell and core, the workshops are proving to be a source of fresh and unexpected ideas fitting the distinctive spirit and identity of GROUP A .
Interestingly enough the results have little to do with aesthetics, but rather about how we want to work and cooperate; together as a team, with subtenants in our own work domain, with fellow tenants in the building, and with visiting clients. A widely supported view held by the stakeholders is that in sharing work space and supporting facilities one can certainly arrange for mutual practical agreements about behaviour, but that what really matters is the scope to support and complement each other’s strengths. Not only on a business level, but also in the field of social interaction between employees and development and participation of individual team members.
As the building works for the new offices have just started, several companies have already expressed an interest to sign up as potential subtenant or as fellow tenant. As always, we’ll keep you posted over the coming months on our progress!