Metro Oostlijn wins the NRP Gulden Feniks
“With a sharp eye and a clever, skillful approach, and despite the financial constraints that did not allow for aesthetic interventions, the beauty of its brutalism is made visual in a timeless way. This the jury calls a special achievement.”
During the National Renovation and Transformation Day (Nationale Renovatie- en Transformatiedag), jury chairman Geurt van Randeraat awarded the designers, client and construction team of the Amsterdam Metro Oostlijn with the NRP Gulden Feniks 2019. NRP, the platform for transformation and renovation, presents this award annually to the most excellent examples of renovation and transformation. A total of 79 projects were submitted for the 2019 edition. The jury has declared the renovation of the stations of the Amsterdam Metro Oostijn the winner of the category ‘Complex of buildings’.
GROUP A has worked on the project for 10 years and is responsible for the design of the renovation of 16 original stations. GROUP A collaborated with Metro en Tram Amsterdam, Fabrique, Hegeman+, De Groot Installatiegroep, Beersnielsen and Atelier René Knip. The Oostlijn is a unique example of brutalist architecture in the Netherlands. During the renovation, the original ‘DNA’ of the raw concrete was restored and new, equally distinct elements were added that bring the traveler’s experience to a higher level. The light touch of the new architecture makes the Oostlijn a place where it is pleasant to be and where movement is easy and smooth.