Team BSL presents competition entry for World Expo Osaka
We are proud to share the competition design for the Dutch Pavilion World Expo Osaka by Team Building Sustainable Landscapes (BSL). The pavilion inspired by the theme ‘Common Ground – A Dutch Invitation to create healthy societies together’ is both landscape and building. We mean this literally; it is not a building with a green roof on top but a wooden support structure containing cassettes as building blocks. These cassettes carry soil, plants and trees and consist of the very nature that carries them. For example seaweed, river clay, hemp and mycelium.
This is how we frame the perspective of biobased building: from competing and depleting interests for space, water, land, production resources to converging interests that regenerate the ecosystem.
The design is the result of an inspiring collaboration with Alba Concepts, BEE (JP), Biobased Creations, Bioform (JP), Building Balance, Fiction Factory, Front Office (JP), Hurks, GROUP A | CARBONLAB, Karres en Brands, Company New Heroes, WAM & VanDuren and Woodlife Core (JP). Team BSL is also working with biobased innovators such as Dasha Tsapenko, Diana Scherer, Erik Hobijn, Erik Klarenbeek & Maartje Dros, Katerien ter Meulen & Erno Langeberg, Margreet van Uffelen & Huub Loze, Samira Boon, Stijn van Aardenne and Tjeerd Veenhoven.
The plan was positively received by the jury but unfortunately not selected as a winner for the World Expo Osaka. We congratulate Consortium A New Dawn on the winning design.
We are looking into implementing these principles directly in the Netherlands itself, together with the leaders of the Dutch construction sector. Keep following us for updates!
Explore the project page here.
Video: Full Frame