GROUP A, in collaboration with Fabrique, has been responsible for the renovation of 11 above ground metro stations in Amsterdam. This assignment was part of a complete upgrade of all 16 original Oostlijn stations. The design goes ‘back to the base of the original design’, but is also ‘a vision of the future’. Without denying the original character, but by making the original rough looking DNA visible in combination with the addition of contrasting refined materials, a future-proof and comfortable metro line has been reborn.
The Oostlijn runs straight through Amsterdam, partly underground and partly above ground. With the renovation we have transformed the negative reputation of the line into a new strong, fresh identity. A modern metro that functions well, clear and pleasant to use. The Oostlijn was designed in the seventies as a “total design”, art, furniture, signage and trains were designed for the new line. This original concept has been scattered over the years due to modifications. New technical requirements were implemented, new house styles rolled out, access regimes revised, public transport gates installed and passenger information adapted.
Metro Oostlijn is a unique example of brutalism in Dutch public architecture, by architects Spängberg and Van Rhijn. By using the original ‘DNA’ as a base for our design, a solid and calm background is created. Transparently coated brutalistic concrete is cleaned and illuminated to reveal its original beauty and character. Indirect lighting makes the space feel comfortable.Alcoves have been demolished and walls have been smoothed to improve passenger flows and a sense of social security. Spatial interventions bring daylight and overview. Light accents and voids provide better orientation for the traveller. And the opening of lift shafts enhances the findability of the metro in the city.
The constructions of the original design are uncompromising and rough. New additions have the same pronunciation, but more refinement at the detail level to accentuate the contrast between old and new. Materials such as glass, custom-made glazed tiles and warm-coloured hardwood have been applied in contrast to the unpolished character of béton brut. The quiet use of colour in the metro makes all materials stand out well.
The public character of the Metro is enhanced by the addition of carefully designed commercial spaces and station furniture. All the ‘rumbling’ elements, such as ticket machines, cameras and information panels, are clustered and integrated into the architecture to create quiet spaces. These clusters provide clarity and are adaptable to future changes.
Not only the architectural interventions but also the ‘station exceptions’ by Atelier René Knip, consisting of tile tableaux and station names, ensure the recognisability of the Oostlijn as a total. The stylistic design of the tableaux was deliberately chosen so that various travellers can identify with them. The illustrative layer, made up of 20 templates, is set with handmade tiles by Royal Tichelaar. With these station exceptions, a spatial zoning has been applied to the stations that provides structure.
All the interventions have increased the findability and the experience of social safety at the stations. Making the line future-proof has increased passenger comfort, thus contributing to the mobility and hospitality of Amsterdam.
The renovation of the metro Oostlijn in Amsterdam between 2009 and 2019 has been beautifully put into words and images in a book!
Dienst Metro Amsterdam
Renovatie 16 metrostations Oostlijn
Metro Oostlijn, Amsterdam, NL
16 stations (60.140 m2)
Start design
May 2009 (restart 2014)
Start construction
April 2016
In collaboration with
Fabrique and Atelier René Knip
Dutch Daylight Award 2021 / Frame Award 2019 (Governemental Interior of the Year) / IF Award 2019 / Gulden Feniks 2019 (Nationale Renovatie Prijs) / 2ACAA 2019 Award / Gouden A.A.P. nominatie / Architectenweb Award nominatie (Publiek gebouw van het jaar) / INSIDE Award nominatie / European Design Award (Signs & Displays) nominatie / The Plan Award 2020 (Transport) nominatie